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Privacy Policy

Eurofins EnvironeX (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “we” or “our”) offers agro-environmental testing services (hereinafter referred to as “Service”).

Following are our policies regarding the collection, use and sharing of agronomy and personal data when you use our Service.

The privacy policy of Eurofins EnvironeX complies with the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (Quebec).

Eurofins EnvironeX offers personalized services tailored to each client’s needs. Our company is committed to providing our clients with an excellent service every day, from every standpoint. We use your data to provide and improve our Service.

Another key aspect of our quality service is the protection of each client’s personal data (including our future clients). We have the professional and legal obligation to respect the confidential nature of any personal data entrusted to us. This is why we established this policy regarding the protection of personal information.

By using our Service, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as set forth in this policy.

1. – Definitions

    1. Service

“Service” means the services provided to clients directly by Eurofins EnvironeX.

    1. Personal Data

“Personal Data” refers to data about a living individual who can be identified using this data (or using this data and other information at our disposal or likely to be at our disposal) and/or a corporate body (a farming business).

Lorsque vous utilisez notre Service, il est possible que nous vous demandions de nous fournir certaines données personnelles nominatives qui peuvent servir à vous contacter ou à vous identifier (ci-après désignées par “Données à Caractère Personnel”). Les données personnelles nominatives peuvent comprendre, mais de manière non limitative, à savoir :

  • First name and family name;
  • Email address;
  • Telephone number;
  • Address, city, province (or State), country, postal (or zip) code.

2. – Use and Sharing of Personal Data

Eurofins EnvironeX is committed to processing Personal Data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, more specifically, in accordance with the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (Quebec).

Eurofins EnvironeX uses Personal Data for the following purposes that could reasonably be expected of us:

  • Managing and improving communications with clients;
  • Contacting our clients to obtain comments on the services provided to conduct market studies or other research;
  • Providing information on various topics likely to be of interest to our clients, such as new products and services.

Other uses may be added, with your consent, unless allowed or requested by law.

3. – Sharing of Personal Data to Third Parties

We may share your Personal Data with third parties to meet your requests or answer your questions and for any other purposes abovementioned.

By providing us with your Personal Data, you agree with the abovementioned disclosures.

4. – Sharing of Personal Data Arising from Legal Requirements

Eurofins EnvironeX may share your Personal Data in good faith, if deemed necessary, for the following purposes:

  • Fulfill a legal obligation;
  • Protect and defend Eurofins EnvironeX’s rights or assets;
  • Prevent potential wrongful acts (such as fraud) or investigate such acts as part of the Service provided;
  • Ensure the personal safety of users of our Service or the public at large;
  • Protect ourselves against any liability or legal claims likely to be within our civil responsibility, such as damage, punitive damage and moral damage claims.

5. – Laboratory Results

To perform a testing service that you requested from us, we may collect data on, but not limited to, the following aspects:

  1. Results from testing on soils, fodder, plant tissues, fertilizers, etc.;
  2. Results kept at laboratories;
  3. Agronomy and geographic location data shared with third parties.

Nous pouvons communiquer vos résultats de laboratoire à des tiers dans le but de répondre à vos demandes ou questions. Vos données peuvent être utilisées à des fins statistiques ou pour fournir des données agrégées à un tiers. En aucun cas, vos Données à caractères personnels ne seront divulguées.

6. – Data Accuracy

We compile all the data at our disposal in the most accurate, complete and updated manner possible for the above established purposes. We also count on you to provide us with your complete and up-to-date personal, agronomy and geographic location data. To this effect, we invite you to contact us as soon as possible (our contact information is provided at the bottom of this page).

We are the only party to keep and access your laboratory results.

7. – Service Providers

We may hire the service of third-party service providers or third-party individuals in order to help us deliver our Service (hereinafter referred to as “Service Providers”), ensure the said Service on our behalf, perform services accessory to the said Service or help us analyze the manner in which our Service is used.

Such third parties have access to your Personal Data for the sole purpose of performing said tasks on our behalf. They are strictly forbidden from sharing or using your personal information for any other purpose.

We only share your data with third parties after obtaining your written consent to this effect.

8. – Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will inform you about any such change by publishing the new Privacy Policy on our web page.

We hereby recommend that you review this Privacy Policy from time to time to learn about any changes, where appropriate. Changes made to this Privacy Policy take effect when they are published on this web page.

9. – Contact Us

PoIf you have any question or complaint regarding this privacy policy, please contact us by telephone or email using either of the contact information below: